Folic Acid Injection


Folic Acid Injection

Folic acid benefits just about every part of the body. Folic acid plays a role in the synthesis and repair of DNA and RNA as well as the growth of healthy cells. It is used for the production of red blood cells and brain health.

Folic acid can help many other things, such as:

  • Sperm Count – One of the main folic acid benefits for men is to aid in correcting sperm counts and mobility.
  • Menstruation – Folic acid is important in women’s health for many reasons, including its role in hemoglobin production. Heavy menstrual cycles often lead to loss of hemoglobin and deficiency in iron levels.
  • Heart Disease – Along with vitamin B12, folic acid plays an important role in cardiovascular health and function. Folate helps manage homocysteine levels and reduce the risk of blood clots thus helping reduce the chances of heart atacks.
  • Cancer – The Journal of the NaRonal Cancer InsRtute has reviewed clinical trials that suggest folic acid plays a protecRve role against colon cancer, cervical cancer, and pancreatic cancer.
  • Depression -Folic acid is used to enhance mood regulation and treat depression symptoms. Proper brain functioning requires adequate folic acid levels.
  • Digestion – Vitamins B12 and C work with folic acid to help the body digest and utilize proteins.
  • Acne – Folic acid helps in eliminating toxins from the body, which can reduce acne on the face.
  • Hair Growth – Folic acid renews the cells that aid the growth of hair. Folic acid deficiency can lead to premature graying and hair loss.
  • Red Blood Cells – Folic acid plays an important role in white and red blood cell production.
  • Skin Health – Folic acid helps in reducing the signs of skin aging, improves the firmness of the skin, and helps in the production of healthy skin.
  • Diabetes – Folic acid helps prevent type 2 diabetes by reducing fat content in the blood.

Strength 5mg/mL Size 10mL

SKU: AW198000027-1-1
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Strength 500mg/mL Size 10mL, Strength 500mg/mL Size 30mL



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